Planning Board 3-20-25

Open Agenda

Call to Order 00:00:52

Approval of Minutes 00:01:44

Approval Not Required: 0 & 144 Old Connecticut Path, Lot 2 00:03:10

Approval Not Required: 103 Guild St. 00:08:06

1 Howard St. & 38 Park St. 00:12:17

Continued public hearing for Application of One Howard, LLC for Major Site Plan Review, Special Permit for Use for multi-family housing in the CB District, Special Permit for Land Disturbance and Stormwater Management, Special Permit for Reduction in Parking, Special Permit for Dimensional Reduction in Parking and Inclusionary Housing. The applicant is proposing to convert the existing vacant parking lot into multi-family residential apartments consisting of a 6-story building containing 135 dwelling units with a first floor at-grade parking garage.

61A Tripp St. 00:51:02

Application of 705 Plantation St Realty Trust for Minor Site Plan Review/religious use. The applicant is proposing to use existing 9,627 SF of warehouse space located in the building at 61A Tripp Street as a church. No work is being planned as part of this change of use.

1 Worcester Rd. 00:58:16

Application of BHG Broadway Hospitality Group for a Modification to Planning Board decision dated January 10, 1994 and subsequently modified to construct a pergola in front of the entrance of Tavern in the Square.

Other Business: 770 & 770R Water St. 01:02:07

Fox Howe Decision conditions related to occupancy of the February 27, 2020 and December 2, 2021 decisions

Staff & Business Report 01:15:11