Upon request of the Mayor, consideration to name the conference room at the Callahan Center in honor of Mark Goldman.
Upon request of the Financial Analyst Screening Committee, an interview with final candidates for, and a vote to select, a Financial Analyst for the City Council.
Upon request of the Traffic Commission, a consideration of a change to the Framingham Traffic, Parking and Transportation Regulations; to prohibit parking on the west side of Hollis Street (Route 126), between Boris Way and Claflin Street.
Upon request of the Financial Analyst Screening Committee, an interview with final candidates for, and a vote to select, a Financial Analyst for the City Council.
Upon Request of the Licensing Coordinator, an application to consider a Second-hand Articles, Junk, Old Metals License for National Rarities, LLC at 92 Worcester Road.
Upon request of the School Department, a vote of the Council to approve its submission of an application to the MSBA Accelerated Repair program for Brophy and Potter Roof.
Upon request of the Finance Subcommittee, a recommendation of favorable action on the request of an amendment to Order 2023-103 FY2025-2029 CIP, to add the BLOCKS-Juniper Hill School roof to the already approved Roof Repairs/Replacement Construction-Potter Road and Brophy Schools projects. FIRST READING
Upon request of the Finance Subcommittee, a recommendation regarding the establishment of a special fund pursuant to MGL Chapter 44, Section 531 for the 325th Celebration Committee.
Upon request of the Mayor, a referral to the Appointment Subcommittee nomination for appointment of Katie Listewnik-D5 to serve on the Cultural Council through June 30, 2027.
Upon request of the Mayor, a referral to the Appointment Subcommittee consideration of Wayne Clark-D8 to serve on the Police Advisory Council through June 30, 2027.
Upon request of the Planning & Zoning Subcommittee, a referral to the Planning Board, as required by MGL Chapter 40a Sec. 5, to hold a public hearing to consider amendments to the Central Business District Zoning Map Article II, Section 435-50; Article II, Section 435-7 II. B Table of Uses- Attachment Appendix 1.C., 1.E, 1.F, multifamily and mixed use; Article II Section 435-14. F Central Business Height Requirements near residential Districts; and other various revisions to the Table of Uses and footnotes thereof pertaining to the height requirements and units per acre allowed within the Central Business District Zoning regulations.
Upon request of the Chief Financial Officer, a referral to the Finance Subcommittee, a discussion of information regarding the preliminary FY26 budget.