Finance Subcommittee 3-11-25

Open Agenda

Call to Order 00:00:50

Public Participation 00:01:29

Approval of Minutes 00:04:55

School Dept. Budget Discussion 00:05:16

A discussion with the School Committee Finance and Operations Subcommittee regarding the Framingham Public School upcoming budget.

School Dept. FY26 Capital Improvement Plan 00:38:01

A presentation by and discussion with the Framingham Public Schools regarding its FY2026 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) items.

School Roof Projects 00:41:55

Upon request of the School Department, a referral to the Finance Subcommittee requesting consideration of an amendment to Order 2023-103 FY2025-2029 CIP, to add the BLOCKS-Juniper Hill School roof to the already approved Roof Repairs/Replacement Construction-Potter Road and Brophy Schools projects.

Accessible Parking Fines 00:46:36

Upon request of the Chief Financial Officer, a referral to the Finance Subcommittee the matter of authorization to transfer Handicap Parking Fines Receipts to the Disability Commission [No action taken at the 11/12 Finance Subcommittee Meeting. Continued discussion.]

Special Fund for 325th Celebration Committee 01:06:29

Upon request of the Mayor, a referral to the Finance Subcommittee a request for establishment of a special fund pursuant to MGL Chapter 44, Section 531 for the 325th Celebration Committee.

Transfer from General Fund Salary Reserve 01:09:30

Upon request of the Mayor, a referral to the Finance Subcommittee for consideration of a transfer from the General Fund Salary Reserve to various departments upon the recently concluded Non-Union Compensation and Classification study. [Continued from the 2/11/25 Finance Subcommittee meeting.]

Member Prerogatives 01:44:47