Upon request of the Licensing Coordinator, a hearing for the annual renewal of pool table permits for 2025.
Upon request of the Finance Subcommittee, a recommendation and vote upon the matter regarding a rescindment of a bond authorization and request for an off-cycle Capital Appropriation for a School Department Project. SECOND READING
Upon request of the Finance Subcommittee, a recommendation regarding a Bond Authorization for the Hemenway School Feasibility Study-MSBA. SECOND READING
Upon request of the Finance Subcommittee, a report and recommendation for a vote in consideration for a transfer from the FY2025 Overlay to Assessors Operating Budget. FIRST READING
Upon request of the Appointment Subcommittee, a recommendation and vote upon the reappointment of Janice Rogers-D3 to serve on the Framingham Housing Authority through June 30, 2029.
Upon request of the Chief Financial Officer, a request for referral to the Finance Subcommittee consideration of an appropriation from the Mary Dennison Stabilization Fund.