City Council 7-19-22

Open Agenda

Call to Order 00:00:56

Update from the Mayor 00:04:20

Public Participation 01:10:55

Order 2022-090 01:25:02

Upon request of Councilors Cannon and Leombruno, a request for recognition through a Resolution, of the 32nd Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act and the 20th Anniversary of the Framingham Disability Commission

Order 2022-091 01:30:47

Citations celebrating various participants of boards, organizations, and services: Council on Aging; Auxiliary Police; Retirement of Municipal employees

Order 2022-008-034 01:33:09

Upon Request of the Appointments Subcommittee, a recommendation regarding the Mayor’s nominee for the East Middlesex Mosquito Control Commission, Derek Kwok.

Order 2022-008-033 01:34:04

Upon request of the Mayor, a referral to the Appointments Subcommittee with regard to various boards, commissions, and committees (Board License Commissions, Cable Advisory Committee, Conservation Commission, Disability Commission, Framingham Historical Commission, Historic District Commission, Loring Arena Committee, Parks & Recreation Commission, South Middlesex Regional Vocational Keefe School Committee, SIFOC, Zoning Board of Appeals).

Order 2022-087 01:34:39

Upon request of the City Clerk, a request for referral of the reclassification of Clerk Salary, Assistant Clerk and Elections Supervisor, to the Finance Subcommittee.

Order 2022-088 01:34:49

Upon request of the Mayor, the creation of an Opioid Stabilization Fund be referred to the Finance Subcommittee.

Order 2022-089 01:34:58

Upon request of the Mayor, a request for referral to the Rules and Ordinances Subcommittee regarding an Amendment to the CPA Ordinance

Order 2022-093 01:35:16

Upon request of the Disability Commission, a recommendation of the Americans with Disabilities Act notice and procedure.

Order 2022-085 01:38:19

Upon request of the Mayor, a vote to authorize the acquisition of a Grant of Permanent Access Easement and to authorize the Mayor to execute the Acceptance of Easement 1 Blackberry Lane.

Order 2022-086 01:40:21

Upon request of the City Clerk, designation of the Chief of Police to assign at least one police officer to each poling location for every future Federal, State and Municipal election.

Order 2022-052-001 01:41:35

Upon request of the Ordinance and Rules Subcommittee, a report and recommendation of an ordinance to Regulate Aggressive Solicitation. (first reading)

Order 2022-076-001 02:08:41

Upon request of the Ordinance and Rules Subcommittee, a report and recommendation of a policy for the Regulation of Taxicabs/Livery Vehicles and the Operation Thereof in the Town of Framingham (now City of Framingham).

Order 2022-084 02:10:31

Upon request of the Planning & Zoning subcommittee, to advertise proposed amendments to zoning ordinances relative to affordable housing and workforce housing; amendment and insertion of rear zoning setbacks in the dimensional regulation chart as recommended by the Director of CED.

Order 2022-092 02:16:43

Council vote of appointment of members to the Community Preservation Committee (CPC): Jeanne Bizzoco, District 5; Mary-Anne Tratchel, District 8; Karen Margolis, District 1 — [three candidates running for two seats]

Report of the Council Chair 02:35:34

Reports of Subcommitttees 02:36:24

Reports of Councilors 02:40:33

Approval of Minutes 02:49:49

June 21, 2022