A. 2022 MASC/MASS Joint Conference Proposal: A Systems Approach to Equity — B. Announcements
A. BLOCKS and Elementary Schools — B. Sustainable Improvement Plans (formerly called Turnaround Plans by DESE) for Barbieri, Brophy, Harmony Grove, and McCarthy Elementary Schools and Fuller Middle School — C. Middle Schools, Framingham High School, and the Thayer Campus
A. FY22 Operating and Capital Budget — B. FY23 Operating Budget — C. Annual Report on the Condition of Schools (including Discussion on the Process to Create the City’s Next School Building Committee)
A. Finance and Operations (Including Bills & Payroll) — B. Policy (See agenda for a list of first readings) — C. Building and Grounds* — D. Teaching and Learning* — E. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion* — F. Health and Wellness* — G. Climate Change, Environment and Sustainability* (*indicates an optional report)
A. Minutes: Open Session Minutes of March 16, 2022 & March 29, 2022 Joint Meeting — B. Scholarships: Creation of an account for a Resiliency for Life Scholarship