School Committee 2-2-22

Open Agenda

Call to Order 00:00:56

Public Comment 00:05:27

Announcements from the Chair 00:11:29

Mayor's Update 00:12:55

Remarks from the Student Advisory Committee 00:17:20

Superintendent's Update 00:18:02

A. Massachusetts Association of School Superintendent’s Certificate of Academic Excellence Awards — B. COVID-19: Masking, Testing, Vaccinations, and Data Reporting — C. Discussion on the City Clerk’s Request to Relocate the Polling Location at the McCarthy School to the Farley Building Gymnasium — D. Presentation and First Reading of the 2022-23 School Year Calendar

Executive Director of Finance & Operations Update 00:54:58

A. FY22 Operating and Capital Budget — B. FY23 Budget Discussions

Rules & Administration Subcommittee Presentation 00:56:23

Rules and Administration Subcommittee Presentation and Vote on the Report, Inclusive of Committee Rules, Reporting Requirements, Long-Term Agenda, and Types of Subcommittees and Liaisons

Finance & Operations Subcommittee Report 01:10:46

Approval of Minutes & Gifts 01:11:23

A. Minutes: 1. Open Session Minutes of December 8, 2021; 2. Executive Session Minutes (as approved in Executive Session) of January 12, 2022 — B. Gifts: 1. $250.00 donation from Laura Cressotti to be deposited into the Adult FAESL+ Gifts account; 2. $250.00 donation was received from Brita Gill-Austern to be deposited into the Adult FAESL+ Gifts account