A. COVID-19: Masking, Testing, Vaccinations, and Data Reporting — B. Summer Programing Review (Policy IHCA) — C. Vote to Appoint Tiffany Lillie as the New Assistant Superintendent for Equity, Diversity, and Community Engagement — D. Vote to Increase the Maximum Balance of ACCEPT’s Capital Reserve Fund from $1,000,000 to $3,000,000
A. FY22 Operating and Capital Budget — B. FY23 Budget Discussions
Appointment of Adam Freudberg to Continue as a Voting Member on the Fuller School Building Committee
Policy DGA
A. Finance and Operations (Including Bills & Payroll) — B. Temporary Subcommittee on Rules and Administration
Discussion and Vote on Unit N Framingham School Food Services Staff MOU (if approved in Executive Session)
A. Minutes: 1. Open Session Minutes: November 17, 2021; 2. Executive Session Minutes (as approved in Executive Session): December 8, 2021; December 15, 2021; and January 12, 2022 — B. Gifts: 1. $100 donation from Lueders Environmental, Inc. for field trips and educational materials (non-curriculum); 2. $500 donation from Edwards Church UCC for the FAESL+ Program; 3. $51,566.00 donation from Schwab Charitable made on behalf of an anonymous donor to cover the cost of Advanced Placement exams from High School Juniors and Seniors; 4. $2000 gift from The Assarian Family to Cameron Middle School for staff supplies