School Committee 9-22-21

Open Agenda

Call to Order 00:00:56

Public Comment 00:04:58

Remarks from the Student Advisory Committee 00:22:19

Public Comment (continued) 00:24:13

Superintendent's Update 00:27:24

A. COVID-19 — B. LGBTQIA+ History Month in October — C. Vote on the Creation of a ACCEPT Capital Reserve Fund — D. Grand Opening of the New Fuller Middle School Scheduled for Sunday, September 26 at 1:00 p.m. — E. Vote on the Superintendent’s 2021-2022 School Year Goals: 1. District Improvement Goal: Fostering Belonging & Partnership with Students and Families; 2. Professional Practice Goal: Continuing our Journey to Becoming an Anti-Racist District; 3. Student Learning Goal: Progress Monitoring Student Engagement & Learning in Partnership with Staff and Administrators

Executive Director of Finance & Operations Update 01:34:17

A. Transportation/Busing Updates: 1. Massachusetts National Guard Support — B. FY22 Operating and Capital Budget — C. FY23 Capital Budget Presentation and Vote to Submit FPS Request to the Mayor (see the agenda for the full list of recommended projects) — D. Recommended Financial Plan and Timeline to Solve the Capacity and Scheduling Challenges at the Barbieri Elementary School Cafeteria

Mayor's Update 03:26:41

Exec. Dir. of Finance & Operations Update (Part 2) 03:30:15

Subcommittee Reports 03:32:46

A. Finance and Operations (Including Bills & Payroll) — B. Policy: Second Readings (see the agenda for the full list of policies) — C. Building and Grounds* — D. Teaching and Learning* — E. Equity, Inclusion, and Diversity* — F. Health and Wellness* — G. Climate Change, Environment and Sustainability* (* — indicates an optional report)

Approval of Gifts & Minutes 03:36:16

A. Gifts: 1. $140 Donation from Plymouth Church in Framingham to be deposited into the OST Revolving Gifts account; 2. $2000 Donation from Fernando Castro of Income Tax Plus Inc. to be deposited into the AESL+ program account — B. Minutes: Open Session Minutes of August 4, 2021