School Committee 8-4-21

Open Agenda

Call to Order 00:00:56

Public Comment 00:05:11

Announcements from the Chair 00:07:41

New School Committee Office Location in the Farley Building

Remarks from the Student Advisory Committee 00:08:29

COVID-19 Guidance for Fall Return to School 00:10:02

Vote on the American Rescue Plan Act Budget 00:13:50

Executive Director of Finance & Operations Update 00:22:42

A. Fuller Middle School Project Updates, Brick Project, Turf Athletic Fields, and Grand Opening Plans — B. FY22 Operating and Capital Budget — C. Transportation/NRT Bus, Inc. New Vendor Transition — D. Installation of Menstrual Product Dispensers at Secondary Schools — E. Buildings and Grounds Department Organizational Chart and Department Name — F. Student Activity Account Audit: Review Audit Recommendations and Corrective Actions ? Vote to accept the provisions of Section 47 of Chapter 71 of Massachusetts General Law which gives the responsibility for the establishment of student activity accounts to the School Committee and the enforcement of School Committee policies to the School Principals ? Vote to authorize all district designees that have secured bond with the City Treasurer for faithful performance

Transition Planning for 2022-23 School Committee 01:38:14

Mayor's Update 01:52:02

Subcommittee Reports 01:58:09

A. Finance and Operations (Including Bills & Payroll) — B. Climate Change, Environment and Sustainability: Climate Change Policy — C. Policy* — D. Building and Grounds* — E. Teaching and Learning* — F. Equity, Inclusion, and Diversity* — G. Health and Wellness* (* — indicates an optional report)

Approval of Gifts & Minutes 02:04:16

A. Gifts: 1. $100 Donation from Darlene Flagg to be deposited into the Fine Arts Gifts account; 2. $5,000 donation from NTSA and National Life Group to be deposited into the Fine Arts Gifts account — B. Minutes: Open Session Minutes of June 23, 2021