School Committee 7-21-21

Open Agenda

Call to Order 00:01:04

Public Comment 00:05:20

Announcements from the Chair 00:09:27

Remarks from the Student Advisory Committee 00:09:46

Superintendent's Update 00:09:58

A. Federal Child Tax Credit — B. Vote on the FPS Code of Conduct, Character, and Support — C. New Center for Disease Control School Reopening Guidance

Executive Director of Finance & Operations Update 00:45:49

A. American Rescue Plan Act Funding for FPS (An opportunity for public comment on the American Rescue Plan Act funding for FPS will be offered at this time on the agenda — B. Reducing Styrofoam Usage Throughout the School District — C. General Chemical Contamination and MassDEP Efforts Near Wilson/Harmony Grove Elementary School — D. Update on the Name Change Process from Wilson to Harmony Grove — E. FY22 Operating and Capital Budget — F. Space Utilization and Options for the Cafeteria at Barbieri Elementary School — G. Next Phase of Solar Energy Project Planning: 1. Potential Clean Energy Projects to Follow Brophy and Fuller; 2. School Roof Replacement and Repairs

Appointment of School Committee Warrant Signers 02:42:09

Policy DGA

Subcommittee Reports 02:49:36

A. Finance and Operations (Including Bills & Payroll) — B. Policy: Policies for Second Readings: a) ECB: BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS MAINTENANCE; b) ECE: TRAFFIC AND PARKING CONTROLS; c) EEA: STUDENT TRANSPORTATION SERVICES; d) EEAEA: BUS DRIVER EXAMINATION AND TRAINING — C. Building and Grounds* — D. Teaching and Learning* — E. Equity, Inclusion, and Diversity* — F. Health and Wellness* — G. Climate Change, Environment and Sustainability* (* — indicates an optional report)

Approval of Gifts & Minutes 02:52:50

A. Gifts: $500 donation from Harvard Pilgrim Health Care to the Community Resource Development Office for School Supplies — B. Minutes: 1. Open Session Minutes: June 2, 2021; 2. Executive Session Minutes (if approved in Executive Session): March 17, 2021; May 27, 2021; June 23, 2021; 3. Executive Session Minutes (if approved in Executive Session): Review of Redactions on Previously Approved Executive Session Minutes (See agenda for full list)