A. Federal Child Tax Credit — B. Vote on the FPS Code of Conduct, Character, and Support — C. New Center for Disease Control School Reopening Guidance
A. American Rescue Plan Act Funding for FPS (An opportunity for public comment on the American Rescue Plan Act funding for FPS will be offered at this time on the agenda — B. Reducing Styrofoam Usage Throughout the School District — C. General Chemical Contamination and MassDEP Efforts Near Wilson/Harmony Grove Elementary School — D. Update on the Name Change Process from Wilson to Harmony Grove — E. FY22 Operating and Capital Budget — F. Space Utilization and Options for the Cafeteria at Barbieri Elementary School — G. Next Phase of Solar Energy Project Planning: 1. Potential Clean Energy Projects to Follow Brophy and Fuller; 2. School Roof Replacement and Repairs
Policy DGA
A. Finance and Operations (Including Bills & Payroll) — B. Policy: Policies for Second Readings: a) ECB: BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS MAINTENANCE; b) ECE: TRAFFIC AND PARKING CONTROLS; c) EEA: STUDENT TRANSPORTATION SERVICES; d) EEAEA: BUS DRIVER EXAMINATION AND TRAINING — C. Building and Grounds* — D. Teaching and Learning* — E. Equity, Inclusion, and Diversity* — F. Health and Wellness* — G. Climate Change, Environment and Sustainability* (* — indicates an optional report)
A. Gifts: $500 donation from Harvard Pilgrim Health Care to the Community Resource Development Office for School Supplies — B. Minutes: 1. Open Session Minutes: June 2, 2021; 2. Executive Session Minutes (if approved in Executive Session): March 17, 2021; May 27, 2021; June 23, 2021; 3. Executive Session Minutes (if approved in Executive Session): Review of Redactions on Previously Approved Executive Session Minutes (See agenda for full list)