A. Summer Programming — B. COVID-19 Vaccinations — C. General Chemical Contamination and MassDEP Efforts Near Wilson/Harmony Grove Elementary School — D. FHS Evening Academy — E. American Rescue Plan Act Funding
A.COVID-19 Pandemic — B. Fiscal Planning & Operations — C. Policy — D. Data — E. Buildings & Grounds — F. Equity, Inclusion, & Diversity — G. Teaching & Learning H. Health & Wellness — I. Transition to New School Committee Members
A. Finance and Operations (Including Bills & Payroll) — B. Policy: 1. Policies for First Readings: a) ECB: BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS MAINTENANCE; b) ECE: TRAFFIC AND PARKING CONTROLS; c) EEA: STUDENT TRANSPORTATION SERVICES; d) EEAEA: BUS DRIVER EXAMINATION AND TRAINING — C. Buildings and Grounds* — D. Teaching and Learning* — E. Equity, Inclusion, and Diversity* — F. Health and Wellness* — G. Climate Change, Environment and Sustainability* (*— indicates an optional report)
A. Gifts: 1. $1000 from Massachusetts Association of School Business Officials (MASBO), Inc. from the John F. Conway Distinguished Service Award in honor of Lincoln Lynch, Director of Finance & Operations. Mr.Lynch is requesting that this donation be deposited in the Out of School Time (OST) Revolving Account so it can be used to help a student in need with a scholarship to attend one of the Community Resource Development’s OST programs. — B. Minutes: 1. OpenSessionMinutes: a) May 19, 2021; 2. Executive Session Minutes (as approved in Executive Session): a) May 5, 2021; b) June 2, 2021