School Committee 2-3-21

Open Agenda

Call to Order 00:00:56

Announcements from the Chair 00:06:09

Public Comment 00:09:28

Superintendent's Update (Part 1) 00:33:47

A. Return to School Updates: 1. Code of Conduct for a Safe Return to School Buildings; 2. Employee COVID-19 Vaccination Planning; 3. Child Care at Plymouth Church for FPS Staff; 4. Vote on Substitute Teacher Rates — B. FHS Class of 2021: 1. Cap and Gown Fees for Graduation; 2. Resolution Seeking State Support to Prioritize the COVID-19 Vaccines for Seniors and Students Ages 16+ — C. Vote on the Proposed 2021-?2022? School Year Calendar — D. ACCEPT and TEC- Review of Annual Reports, Review of Membership Benefits, and vote on the School Committee/FPS Liaisons

Sustainable Improvement Plans 01:19:05

Sustainable Improvement Plans (formerly called Turnaround Plans by DESE) for Barbieri, Brophy, McCarthy, Wilson Elementary Schools and Fuller Middle School

Superintendent's Update (Part 2) 02:19:49

Vote on the Proposed 2021-?2022? School Year Calendar

Mid-Year Report on Superintendent's Goals 02:20:44

Executive Director of Finance & Operations Update 02:43:36

A. FY21 Operating Budget; Vote on an Option to Offer to the City Council Regarding Mayor Spicer’s Budget Cut to FPS Due to Sewer/Water Enterprise Fund Challenges — B. FY22 Operating Budget Planning Process

District 2 School Committee Vacancy 03:05:03

Process to Review Applications for the District 2 School Committee? Vacancy (?The deadline to apply to the City Clerk is February 5?)

Fundraising Equity Between Schools 03:29:18

Discussion on the Issue of Fundraising Equity Between Schools and Referral of the Topic to the Policy Subcommittee and the FinanceSubcommittee

Mayor's Update 03:43:58

Remarks from the Student Advisory Committee 03:56:06

Subcommittee Reports 03:57:44

A. Finance and Operations (Including Bills & Payroll) — B. Policy* — C. Building and Grounds* — D. Teaching and Learning* — E. Equity, Inclusion, and Diversity* — F. Health and Wellness* — G. Climate Change, Environment and Sustainability* (* — indicates an optional report)

Approval of Minutes & Gifts 03:59:13

A. Minutes: 1. Open Session Minutes of December 16, 2020; 2. Executive Session Minutes as approved in Executive Session of January 20, 2021 — B. Gifts: 1. Two $500.00 donations from the Exxon Mobil Educational Alliance Program to support FHS in the areas of Math and/or Science; 2. $100.00 donation received from Laura Cressotti, an Adult ESL Teacher to support the Adult ESL; 3. Multiple continuing donations, up to $5,000, to Framingham High School Drama Company (FHSDC) in memory of Douglas Brindley, father of Christopher Brindley, FHS Fine and Performing Arts Department Head and Theatre Teacher to support the drama program at Framingham High School

Additional Public Comment 04:01:43