School Committee 12-2-2020

Open Agenda

Call to Order 00:00:56

Public Comment 00:04:45

Announcements from the Chair (Part 1) 00:29:04

Superintendent's Update 00:29:47

Return to School Updates

Student Achievement Spotlight 01:13:35

Robotics Club Presentation

Technology Dept. Data Dashboard Presentation 01:57:05

Superintendent's Goals 02:21:46

A. Development of Superintendent Goals for 2020-2021: 1. District Improvement Goal: Leading through a Global Pandemic. 2. Professional Practice Goal: AntiRacist Table Self-Guided Challenge. 3. Student Learning Goal: Increasing Access to Advanced Coursework by Students of Color. 4. Standard I: Instructional Leadership: Data Dashboard & FPS Strategic Plan Alignment. 5. Standard II: Management and Operations: Facilities Planning. 6. Standard III: Family and Community Engagement: Code of Conduct,Character, and Support. 7. Standard IV: Professional Culture: Anti-Racism Professional Development. -- B. Review Superintendent’s Recommended Metrics to the School Committee’s Teaching & Learning Goals.

Discussion & Vote on FPS Strategic Plan 2020-2023 02:40:47

Executive Director of Finance & Operations Update 02:46:51

A. Process for the Next Bus Contract -- B. FY21 Operating Budget -- C. FY22 Capital Budget

School Committee's Long-Term Agenda for 2021 03:38:47

Mayor's Update 03:40:59

Remarks from the Student Advisory Committee 03:52:17

Announcements from the Chair (Part 2) 03:53:08

Subcommittee Reports 03:53:46

A. Finance and Operations (Including Bills & Payroll) -- B. Policy* -- C. Building and Grounds* -- D. Teaching and Learning* -- E. Equity, Inclusion, and Diversity* -- F. Health and Wellness* -- G. Climate Change, Environment and Sustainability* (* -- indicates an optional report)

Approval of Minutes and Gifts 04:00:39

A. Minutes: 1. Open Session Minutes: October 21, 2020. 2. Executive Session Minutes as Approved in Executive Session: a) November 18, 2020; b) November 23, 2020. -- B. Gifts: $200 donation from Lori Ann Saslav to Support FHS