A. DESE Plans to be Submitted/Budgeting Scenarios: 1. Remote Learning Plan; 2. Hybrid Model Plan (FPS Preferred Plan with remote learning proposed to begin on September date to be determined); 3. In-Person Plan -- B. Revised 2020-2021 School Year Calendar -- C. Athletics -- D. Extra Curriculars -- E. Central Office Staff Working Spaces -- F. Custodian Staffing Levels -- G. Food Services -- H. Community Partnerships
a. EBC Supplemental: Creation of a General (Interim) Policy on COVID-19 Related Issues -- b. JCA: Student Assignment to Schools -- c. IC/ICA: School Calendar -- d. IIB: Class Size -- e. JH: Attendance -- f. IC/ICA and ID: Time on Learning -- g. IKE: Grading and Retention -- h. IKF: Local Graduation Requirement -- i. IHB, IHBA, IHBAA, IHBF: Special Education -- j. JIC, JK: Discipline and Suspension/Expulsion with Home Schooling Rights -- k. GCA: Job Descriptions -- l. JIE, JL, JLC, JLCC: Students at Risk -- m. JRA: Privacy of Students -- n. IHBG, IHBF: Home Schooling, Home-Bound Instruction, Remote Instruction in Quarantine -- o. EBC, KLG: Public Safety Officers -- p. JJ: Eligibility for Participation in Extracurricular Activities -- q. JH: Attendance vs. Participation in Events -- r. KI: Visitors in Schools and Buildings -- s. JLCC: Illness and Contact Tracing -- t. EEA, EEAA, EEAEC, EEAG: Transportation and Busing -- u. EC, ECA: Operations and Plant Maintenance -- v. IHBHE, IHBHE-E: Remote Learning
A. High School Graduation on August 12th (Rain Date August 13th) -- B. Use of School Buildings: 1. Polling Locations in School Buildings (Primary Election September 1, General Election November 3) -- C. FY21 Operating and Capital Budget and Impacts and Changes Due to COVID-19: 1. Vote to Submit the Student Opportunity Act Plan Due to DESE by August 18th; 2. Update on Proposed Turf Fields at the New Fuller Middle School
A. Finance and Operations (Including Bills & Payroll) -- B. Policy* -- C. Building and Grounds* -- D. Teaching and Learning* -- E. Equity, Inclusion, and Diversity* -- F. Health and Wellness* -- G. Climate Change, Environment and Sustainability*
1. Open Session Minutes: a) July 1, 2020 -- 2. Executive Session Minutes (if approved at August 4 Executive Session): a) July 1, 2020