School Committee 7-15-2020

Open Agenda

Call to Order 00:00:55

Public Comment 00:05:51

FPS Reopening and Planning 00:26:17

Joint Meeting with the Board of Health on FPS Reopening and Planning -- A. COVID-19 Report and FPS & Department of Public Health Collaborations -- B. Continued Discussions on DESE Guidance for School Reopening -- C. Flu Vaccinations & COVID-19 Testing -- D. Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE), Mosquito Control, and Outdoor Classrooms

School Committee Reopening Goals and Principles 02:34:44

Annual Overview of School Safety & Security Dept. 02:37:48

Superintendent's Update 02:54:10

A. Recap of Recent Meetings About School Resource Officers -- B. Summer Programming -- C. FY20 End of Fiscal Year Close Out Actions -- D. FY21 Operating and Capital Budget, Student Opportunity Act Status, and Impacts and Changes Due to COVID-19 -- E. Spending Controls on Operations to Save for New Unfunded Mandates, Requirements, and FY22 -- F. Suspended Visas for Bilingual Teachers in the Exchange Program with Brazil and Spain -- G. Fuller Middle School Building Project Updates, including energy efficiency

Mayor's Update 03:42:57

Announcements from the Chair 03:44:14

...including Framingham Special Education Parent Advisory Council (F-SEPAC) Board Vacancies.

Subcommittee Reports 03:49:27

A. Finance and Operations (Including Bills & Payroll) -- B. Policy: 1. Updates on Previous Referrals: a) BEA: Remote Participation (tabled by the subcommittee); 2.New Referrals: a) Climate Change, b) Warrant Process, c) Remote Learning (MASC Reference: IHBHE & IHBHE-E) -- C. Building and Grounds* -- D. Teaching and Learning* -- E. Equity, Inclusion, and Diversity* -- F. Health and Wellness* -- G. Climate Change, Environment and Sustainability*

Approval of Minutes 03:59:18

Open Session Minutes of June 3, 2020 and June 17, 2020.

Additional Public Comment 03:59:51