City Council 3-31-2020

Open Agenda

Call to Order 00:00:56

Update from the Mayor on COVID-19 00:03:15

Public Hearing: Dog Park 00:31:22

Public Hearing: Petition relative to the establishment of Dog Park Commission

Public Participation 00:35:55

Public Hearing: Clean Energy Goals 00:39:18

Public Hearing: Petition relative to a Citizens Advisory Committee on public clean energy goals

Order 2020-032 01:01:40

Upon Request of the Chief Financial Officer, that collective bargaining agreements relative to Librarians (SEIU 888), Police Superiors Union (FPSOA) and DPW 1156 be referred to the Finance Subcommittee for review and recommendation to the City Council

Order 2020-033 01:04:20

Upon Request of Councilor Long, that a proposed temporary moratorium on the construction of new apartments be referred to the Planning & Zoning Subcommittee for review and a recommendation to the City Council

Order 2020-034 01:26:54

Upon Request of Councilor Cannon, a proposed repeal of Article V, Section B of the Framingham Zoning Bylaw relative to Historic Reuse be referred to the Planning Board for review and a recommendation to the City Council

Approval of Minutes 02:00:43

Reports of Subcommittees 02:03:44

Reports of Councilors 02:05:35