Upon Request of the Licensing Coordinator, review of Annual Taxi Permit Renewals
Upon Request of the Licensing Coordinator, review of Annual Livery License Renewals
Upon Request of National Rarities Inc., an application for a Second Hand Articles License to be exercised at 92 Worcester Road (withdrawn)
Upon Request of Councilor Cannon, to amend the Traffic Rules and Regulations to suspend parking meter fees
Upon Request of the Finance Subcommittee, to send a Home Rule Petition to the Legislative Delegation relative to modification of income eligibility limited for tax deferral programs
Upon requestof Councilor Stefanini, that the Council send a letter to the Mayor regarding funding for the Traffic Commission to fund traffic studies (tabled on March 4, 2020)
Relative to Resolutions
Upon Request of Councilor Shepard, a Resolution supporting the Act Relative to Work and Family Mobility (modified)
Upon Request of the Ordinance & Rules Subcommittee, that the Mayor post vacancies for the Recodification Committee and include appropriate funding for it within the City Clerk's FY21 Budget
Upon Request of the Ordinance & Rules Subcommittee, that Rule 10 of the Rules of the City Council be amended to include Correspondence and Petitions on City Council agenda
Upon Request of the Mayor, to refer a candidate for appointment to the Elderly & Disabled Tax Fund Committee to the Appointments Subcommittee for review and a recommendation to the City Council