City Council 3-17-2020

Open Agenda

Call to Order 00:00:56

Order 2020-023 00:06:00

Upon Request of the Licensing Coordinator, review of Annual Taxi Permit Renewals

Order 2020-024 00:08:38

Upon Request of the Licensing Coordinator, review of Annual Livery License Renewals

Order 2020-025 00:10:15

Upon Request of National Rarities Inc., an application for a Second Hand Articles License to be exercised at 92 Worcester Road (withdrawn)

Order 2020-026 00:10:32

Upon Request of Councilor Cannon, to amend the Traffic Rules and Regulations to suspend parking meter fees

Order 2020-027 00:14:22

Upon Request of the Finance Subcommittee, to send a Home Rule Petition to the Legislative Delegation relative to modification of income eligibility limited for tax deferral programs

Order 2020-028 00:17:44

Upon requestof Councilor Stefanini, that the Council send a letter to the Mayor regarding funding for the Traffic Commission to fund traffic studies (tabled on March 4, 2020)

Discussion of City Council Process 00:28:22

Relative to Resolutions

Order 2020-029 01:03:05

Upon Request of Councilor Shepard, a Resolution supporting the Act Relative to Work and Family Mobility (modified)

Order 2020-030 01:43:45

Upon Request of the Ordinance & Rules Subcommittee, that the Mayor post vacancies for the Recodification Committee and include appropriate funding for it within the City Clerk's FY21 Budget

Order 2020-031 01:49:42

Upon Request of the Ordinance & Rules Subcommittee, that Rule 10 of the Rules of the City Council be amended to include Correspondence and Petitions on City Council agenda

Order 2020-008-007 02:11:02

Upon Request of the Mayor, to refer a candidate for appointment to the Elderly & Disabled Tax Fund Committee to the Appointments Subcommittee for review and a recommendation to the City Council

Update from the Mayor 02:12:33

Reports of Subcommittees 03:09:50

Report of Councilors 03:11:25