Presentation by the School Building Committee
and Annual Report on ACCEPT and TEC Collaboratives
A. Student Achievement Update -- B. Presentation and First Reading on the FPS Proposed 2020-2021 School Year Calendar -- C. Stapleton Elementary School Update -- D. Transportation/Busing Updates -- E. FY20 Budget Status: 1. Food Services Statistics -- F. FY21 Budget Planning and the Impact of the Student Opportunity Act on FPS -- G. Central Office Lease/Location Updates and Next Steps
and Vote on the Report, inclusive of committee rules, reporting requirements, long-term agenda, and types of subcommittees and liaisons
Finance and Operations (Including Bills & Payroll)
A. Minutes: 1.Open Session Minutes: a) December 18, 2019 -- B. Gifts: 1. $1,000 from Harvard Pilgrim Health Care to The Community Resource Development Office for non-curriculum classroom supplies