City Council 1-21-2020

Open Agenda

Call to Order 00:00:55

Public Participation 00:03:58

Update from SIFOC 00:09:58

Update from Strategic Initiatives and Financial Oversight Committee

Order 2020-003 00:24:47

Upon Request of the Mayor, approval of a short-term extension of the lease agreement relative to property at 73 Mt. Wayte Avenue, a.k.a. the Perini Building

Municipal Finance Tutorial 01:30:38

Presentation by Chief Financial Officer Mary Ellen Kelley

Order 2020-004 02:31:33

Upon Request of the Mayor and Chief Financial Officer, an appropriation of $300,000 of affordable housing funds to be referred to the Finance Subcommittee for review and report to the City Council

Order 2020-005 02:31:53

Upon Request of the Mayor and Chief Financial Officer, an appropriation of $15,000 of Uber/Lyft Rideshare funds for construction of a new bus shelter to be referred to the Finance Subcommittee for review and a report to the City Council.

Order 2020-006 02:32:21

Upon Request of the Mayor and Chief Financial Officer, to rescind $42.6M of capital authorizations to be referred to the Finance Subcommittee for review and a report to the City Council.

Order 2020-007 02:32:44

Upon Request of the Mayor, that the Report of the Mayor's Bylaw Review Committee on Zoning Bylaws be referred to the Ordinance and Rules Subcommittee for review and report to the City Council.

Order 2020-008 02:32:58

Upon Request of the Mayor, that candidates for appointment to the Board of Health, Board of License Commissioners, Historic District Commission, Human Relations Commission be referred to the Appointments Subcommittee for review and report to the City Council.

Order 2020-008-001 02:33:12

Upon Request of the Mayor, that members of the Zoning Board of Appeals as candidates for appointment to the Sign Appeals Board be referred to the Appointments Subcommittee for review and report to the City Council (revised)

Review of meeting dates 02:37:17

Continued review of City Council meeting dates - March 3 (Presidential Primary Election)

Report of the Mayor 02:38:22

Approval of Minutes 03:06:57

December 17, 2019 and January 14, 2020

Report of the Council Chair 03:07:20

Report of Councilors 03:15:00