Planning Board Meeting 12-5-19

Open Agenda

Call to Order 00:00:50

Approval of Minutes 00:02:03

Jamsan Hotel Management 00:02:23

120 & 130 Worcester Road, Application of Jamsan Hotel Management for Major Site Plan Review, a Modification to a Previously Approved Decision, and a Special Permit for an Accessory Drive-thru

Amend the Framingham Zoning By-law/Ordinances 00:38:00

Amend the Framingham Zoning By-law/Ordinances – Section I.E Definitions, II.G. Accessory Uses, and Section V. Special Regulation: To see if the City Council will vote to amend the Framingham Zoning By-Law/Ordinance by amending the Definitions (Section I.E), amending the section on Accessory Uses (II.G), and to add a new Section V.P for the regulation of Accessory Dwelling Units

Amend the Master Land Use Plan 01:02:25

Amend the Master Land Use Plan - amend the Framingham Master Land Use Plan, 2014, pursuant to Section the provisions of Chapter 41, Section 81D, M.G.L. Such amendments to these Regulations will include an update to the document to be consistent with the transition in government and the Framingham City Charter and an update based on recent completion of items.