Environment & Sustainability Subcommittee Meeting 9-10-19

Open Agenda

Call to Order 00:00:41

Nuisance Noise Ordinance 00:00:56

Article V, Section 32 Section 32.01 - Purpose (Lawrence Noise Ordinance Article) Section 32.02a - Acoustical Terms Definitions Section 32.02b - General Definitions Section 32.03 - Nuisance Noise Prohibitions Section 32.04 - Stationary Noise Sources Section 32.05 - Construction Noise Sources Section 32.06 - Motor Vehicle Noise Sources Section 32.07 - Reasonable Person Determination Section 32.08 - Noise Compliance Measurements Determination Section 32.09 - Exceptions Section 32.10 - Enforcement Section 32.11 - Penalties Section 32.12 - Appeals Section 32.13 - Severability

Approval of Minutes 01:11:51

Meeting of July 11, 2019

Old Business 01:12:50

Progress on the Community Preservation Act

New Business 01:13:49

Voting Opportunity for the International Energy Conservation Codes